Farm Rules and Q&A’s
To ensure your visit is a safe and happy one, please:
Wash your hands thoroughly after touching all animals and any surfaces.
Pet all animals on their backs or on top of their heads. Please do not tough their faces.
Obey our feeding signs. You may bring fruits and veggies for the rabbits and birdseed is occasionally available for purchase at our Visitor Center. All other animals are only feed by the Farmers (they are on very special diets so feeding them can make them very sick).
Keep your children within reach. Note, children under 12 years old must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
Use your feet or stroller to get around. Bikes and scooters scare the animals and must remain outside the Farm gates.
Leave your pets at home – only certified guide dogs are allowed.
Leave the flowers for everyone to enjoy – please do not pick them.
Do not pick up animals. They do not like it and you may get hurt.
Do not chase the animals. It upsets them – especially the ducks, chickens, and Peafowl.
Do not eat or drink in animal pens.
Do not swim or wade in any of the water areas – the water is not clean.
Do not climb on our fences or trees. Instead, climb on the playground at the south end of the parking lot.