Standard Chicken

Life Span

8-15 years, some have been known to live up to 20 years.

Fun Facts
  • Hens usually begin to lay eggs between5-7 months of age, depending on the breed.
  • An average hen will lay about 220 eggs per year.
  • There are approximately 200 breeds of chicken recognized in Canada
  • Hens will lay eggs without a rooster, but a rooster is needed to have fertilized eggs.
  • Fertilized eggs must be incubated at 88°F (31.1°C) for about 21 days before hatching into a chick.
  • At Maplewood Farm most of our chickens are kept “free range” during the day. Then are shut into pens at night to protect them.
  • “Free range” means chickens have access to range freely in a pasture or yard.

Male – Rooster

Female – Hen

Young Female – Pullet

Young Male – Cockerel

Young – Chick